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The Truth About Merchant Cash Advances and Business Debt Relief

Being in debt as a small business owner straight up sucks, am I right? You’re working your butt off, trying to keep things afloat, but those bills just keep piling up. It’s stressful as hell.Maybe you took out a merchant cash advance (MCA) to cover some expenses, thinking it would be a quick fix. But now the daily payments are cutting into your cash flow big time, and you’re struggling to make ends meet. Sound familiar?Look, I’ve been there. Heck, I’ve had friends who have been there too. And let me tell you, it’s no fun feeling like you’re drowning in debt with no lifeline in sight. But here’s the thing – you’ve got options, my friend. Options that could help you get that MCA debt under control and start breathing a little easier.In this article, we’re going to dive deep into the world of merchant cash advances and business debt relief. We’ll cover what an MCA actually is (because let’s be real, the lingo can be confusing), the pros and cons of taking one out, and most importantly, what you can do if you’re struggling to pay it back.So buckle up, grab a coffee (or a beer, no judgment here), and let’s get started.

What the Heck is a Merchant Cash Advance?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of debt relief, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page about what a merchant cash advance actually is.An MCA is basically a lump sum of cash that a company (called a “provider”) gives to a business in exchange for a percentage of future sales or revenue. It’s not technically a loan, but it works in a similar way – the provider gets their money back, plus a premium, through those daily or weekly payments.Now, MCAs can be a lifesaver for businesses that need quick access to capital but might not qualify for a traditional bank loan. They’re also a lot easier to get approved for, since providers are more interested in your sales volume than your credit score.But here’s the catch – MCAs tend to be way more expensive than regular loans. We’re talking effective annual percentage rates (APRs) that can reach triple digits in some cases. Yikes.

The Pros and Cons of Merchant Cash Advances

Like most things in life, merchant cash advances have their pros and cons. Let’s break ’em down:


  • Quick access to capital (like, really quick – sometimes within a day or two)
  • Easier approval process than traditional loans
  • No set repayment schedule (payments are based on your sales)
  • No collateral required in most cases


  • Extremely high APRs (think 70% or higher)
  • Daily or weekly payments can strain cash flow
  • Confusing terms and conditions (seriously, read the fine print)
  • Potential for debt trap if you can’t keep up with payments
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So, while an MCA can be a handy solution in a pinch, it’s important to understand what you’re getting into. Those high costs and frequent payments can quickly become a burden, especially for businesses with inconsistent or seasonal sales.

When Merchant Cash Advances Go Wrong: The Debt Trap

Okay, so let’s say you took out an MCA to cover some unexpected expenses or invest in your business. At first, everything seemed fine – the daily payments were manageable, and you were able to keep up.But then, maybe sales slowed down, or you had another emergency pop up. Suddenly, those MCA payments started eating up a huge chunk of your revenue, leaving you with barely enough to cover other expenses.This is what’s known as the “debt trap” – a vicious cycle where you’re taking out new MCAs or other forms of financing just to pay off the old ones. And trust me, it’s a slippery slope that can quickly spiral out of control.According to a Reddit thread, this is a common issue for small business owners who rely too heavily on MCAs:

“I got caught in the MCA debt trap a few years ago. It started with one advance to cover some unexpected expenses, but then I had to keep taking out new ones to pay off the old ones. Before I knew it, I was paying over $5,000 a month in MCA payments, and my business was barely staying afloat.”

Yikes. That’s a situation no one wants to find themselves in.

The Root Causes of MCA Debt Traps

So, what exactly leads to these debt traps in the first place? Well, there are a few key factors at play:

  • Securitizing – Many MCA providers securitize (or bundle and sell) their loans to investors, which provides capital for lending but also incentivizes maximizing volume over loan quality. In other words, they’re more focused on making deals than ensuring businesses can actually afford the payments.
  • Overreliance on Limited Data – MCA underwriting often relies heavily on a business’s monthly revenue and credit score, ignoring other important factors like total debt obligations, profit margins, and industry trends.
  • Rushed Due Diligence – The quick turnaround time for MCA approvals means providers sometimes skimp on thorough due diligence, failing to properly assess a business’s ability to repay the advance.
  • Lack of Regulation – The MCA industry is largely unregulated, which can lead to predatory lending practices and a lack of transparency around terms and fees.

As one Quora user put it:

“The biggest issue with MCAs is the lack of regulation and transparency. Many business owners don’t fully understand the terms they’re agreeing to, and end up getting trapped in a cycle of debt they can’t escape.”

It’s a valid point – when you’re desperate for capital, it’s easy to overlook or misunderstand the fine print. And that’s when things can go south real quick.

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Breaking Free: Strategies for MCA Debt Relief

Alright, so we’ve covered what MCAs are, how they can lead to debt traps, and some of the root causes behind those traps. But now for the million-dollar question: what can you do if you’re already stuck in one?Well, my friend, you’ve got a few options when it comes to MCA debt relief. Let’s take a look:

1. Negotiate with Your Provider

This is often the first step for businesses struggling with MCA payments. Reach out to your provider and explain your situation – maybe sales have taken a hit, or you’re dealing with unexpected expenses. See if they’re willing to restructure the terms of your agreement, either by reducing the daily payment amount or extending the repayment period.Now, providers aren’t obligated to negotiate with you, but it’s often in their best interest to work something out rather than have you default entirely. After all, they want to get paid too.According to this article from Avvo, being upfront and transparent about your financial situation can go a long way:

“Merchant cash advance providers are generally more willing to negotiate with businesses that are proactive and honest about their struggles. Provide detailed financial records and a realistic repayment plan, and you may be able to reach a more manageable agreement.”

2. Seek Professional Debt Relief Assistance

If negotiating with your provider doesn’t work (or if you’re dealing with multiple MCAs from different companies), it might be time to bring in some professional help.There are companies out there that specialize in MCA debt relief, like Delancey Street. These firms can negotiate with your providers on your behalf, potentially settling your debts for a lump sum that’s less than what you owe.Now, debt relief services aren’t free – you’ll typically pay a fee based on the amount of debt they’re able to settle. But for many business owners, it’s a small price to pay for getting out from under those crippling MCA payments.As this LawInfo article explains:

“Working with a reputable debt relief company can be an effective way to resolve merchant cash advance debt, especially if you’re dealing with multiple providers or have already defaulted on your agreements. These firms have experience negotiating with MCA companies and can often secure more favorable settlement terms than you could on your own.”

3. Consider Bankruptcy (as a Last Resort)

Okay, I know what you’re thinking – bankruptcy? Isn’t that like, the nuclear option?Well, yes and no. Bankruptcy should definitely be an absolute last resort for small businesses, as it can have some pretty serious long-term consequences. But in some cases, it may be the only way to get out from under crushing MCA debt and give your business a fresh start.Now, there are different types of bankruptcy for businesses, each with its own pros and cons. Chapter 7 involves liquidating assets to pay off creditors, while Chapter 11 allows you to restructure your debts and keep operating.According to this FindLaw article, bankruptcy can provide relief from MCA agreements in certain circumstances:

“In some cases, a bankruptcy court may allow a business to treat a merchant cash advance as a loan, which could potentially discharge or restructure the debt through bankruptcy proceedings. However, this will depend on the specific terms of the MCA agreement and the jurisdiction’s laws.”

Of course, bankruptcy is a complex process with far-reaching implications, so it’s crucial to consult with an experienced bankruptcy attorney before taking that route.

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Prevention is Key: Avoiding MCA Debt Traps in the Future

Look, I get it – sometimes you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do to keep your business afloat. And in certain situations, a merchant cash advance might be the best (or only) option available.But here’s the thing: once you’ve dug yourself out of that MCA debt hole, you’ll want to do everything in your power to avoid falling back in. Because trust me, that’s a pit you don’t want to find yourself in again.So, what can you do to prevent future MCA debt traps? Here are a few tips:

1. Explore Alternative Financing Options

Before jumping into another MCA agreement, take a step back and explore some alternative financing options. Things like:

  • Traditional bank loans (yes, they’re harder to qualify for, but the rates are way better)
  • Small business loans from the SBA or other government programs
  • Business lines of credit (which can provide ongoing access to capital)
  • Invoice financing or factoring (if you have a lot of outstanding invoices)

The key is to find a solution that provides the capital you need without saddling you with outrageous fees and daily payment obligations.

2. Build Up Cash Reserves

I know, I know – easier said than done when you’re a small business owner. But having some cash reserves on hand can be a lifeline when unexpected expenses pop up, preventing you from having to turn to high-cost financing like MCAs.Even if it’s just setting aside a small percentage of your revenue each month, those savings can add up over time and give you a much-needed financial cushion.

3. Improve Cash Flow Management

Speaking of cash flow, getting a handle on your incoming and outgoing money is crucial for avoiding future debt traps. Things like:

  • Invoicing clients promptly and following up on late payments
  • Negotiating better terms with suppliers and vendors
  • Cutting unnecessary expenses (hello, do you really need that fancy office coffee machine?)
  • Implementing cash flow forecasting and budgeting practices

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Our team is available always to help you. Regardless of whether you need advice, or just want to run a scenario by us. We take pride in the fact our team loves working with our clients - and truly cares about their financial and mental wellbeing.

"Super fast, and super courteous, Delancey Street is amazing"
$500,000 MCA Restructured Over 3 Years
"Thanks for helping me in literally 24 hours"
$250,000 SBA Loan Offer in Compromise
"Great choice for business owners who need a trustworthy partner"
$350,000 MCA Restructured Over 2 Years

In The Media

Delancey Street CEO discusses ways to reward employees
Delancey Street CEO discusses the benefits of franchising on Forbes.
Delancey Street CEO discusses management on AMEX.

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